Having undergone a complete overhaul, this once dilapidated walk-up apartment restored by Three-D Conceptwerke is now a breezy open-plan dwelling fit for a bachelor and his dogs.
Through unpolished materials with a timeworn charm, three-d conceptwerke conceived a cave-like sanctuary with quiet, pared- down aesthetics for a young couple leading hectic work lives.
Want a minimalist kitchen like the ones you‘ve been pinning to your inspiration board? Here are easy ways to get – and maintain – the look.
The design team from three-d conceptwerke used unconventional housing materials such as concrete ventilation bricks and neon signage to adhere to the ‘modern industrial and steampunk man cave’ aesthetics.
Tired of your uninspiring interior? Perhaps a splash of colour is all you need. These foolproof methods are guaranteed to revitalise your home.
The positive outcomes when the designers at three-d conceptwerke put people, not a style or look, at the centre of their designs.
Home to a painter and a businessman, the rustic industrial abode boasts a large art studio, in place of an ordinary living room. Although an unusual choice that calls for careful space planning, the designers from three-d conceptwerke pulled it off with elegance and style.
Find out which projects and interior design firms are in the running to take home the gold at our Gala Night on Thursday, 22nd November.
See which of the five progressive interior design firms in Singapore is in the running to be named Interior Design Firm of the Year.
This 4-room HDB flat sports a black-and-white vintage look that beautifully captures the atmosphere of its location in a mature neighbourhood.
See how this flat designed by three-d conceptwerke boldly embraces the dark and masculine look, giving the homeowners a cosy and welcoming space to come home to.
Dream up your perfect bedroom with these clever ideas
Here are 10 gorgeous homes that can teach us a thing or two about adding pops of fab colours into the interiors